— Organization —
Board of Directors
Reed Austin, President
Sue Benfeito & Alicia Green, Co-Treasurers
Nancy Weinstein, Secretary
Sue Daylor
Wendy Henderson
Ben Booth, Founder and Instructor
Desiree Brunton, Operations Manager
Operating Committees
Dharma Voyage’s operation relies on dedicated volunteers who devote countless hours, energy, and passion to ensure its success. Find a committee where you might enjoy contributing your effort. Learn a new skill (boat maintenance or coxing), make new friends, help us to build this invaluable resource for our community.
Boat Maintenance C0-Chairs
Wendy Henderson
Cyn Jeffrey
Community Rowing
Maureen Morrow, Adult Rowing
Cindi Zembo, Race Training
Barbara Pontolilo, New Rowers
Don Dufault, Judy Norton, Scheduling
Community Youth Rowing
Dana Stewart, Westport Recreation
Youth Coastal Rowing
Dana Stewart, Westport Recreation