
Rowing Programs

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— Rowing Programs  —

Rowing is one of the best ways to explore the amazing environment of our local rivers and coasts. Be out in nature while developing full-body fitness in a social space. A natural meditation, rowing dissolves tension and enhances the mind-body connection. Whether you are 12 or 90, we have a boat, comradeship and a rowing program for you.

Adult Community Rowing

Community Rowing is the core of our rowing program and offers activities that range from casual and social events to challenging coastal adventures. Community is key, and our community of rowers creates an ever-evolving program to best suit each individual’s needs and desires.

New participants are always welcome, and no previous experience is necessary! All new rowers are given gentle, yet substantial, high-quality coaching to develop a sound foundation in all aspects of rowing. Join us today!

Community Rowing members: sign in to schedule a row here!
New to DV Rowing? Please visit our New Rowers page.
Learn more...

Race Training

This program is for anyone who wishes to learn more about rowing, gain fitness, and be part of a team.  You do not need to be fit or have a lot of rowing experience.  As this is primarily a recreational team, the goals will be inclusion, fun, camaraderie, and education.
There will also be opportunities for those who wish to participate in a more competitive and challenging race boat.  There is a growing traditional boat rowing and racing community across New England and beyond. This is a chance to travel to new locations to meet and compete with others in the rowing world.

Ben Booth will coach the race training rows. In every session, participants will be taught how to refine their technique, come together as a crew, and discover the safe and fun challenges of gaining the skill and strength to make the boat move faster! It is understood that there will be a wide range of interest, from those who want to race seriously, to a more casual recreational racer, to those who do not want to race at all and simply want to learn more about rowing and fitness on the water.

For more information about this program, please contact Cindi Zembo at

Youth Rowing Programs: Partnership with the Westport Recreation Deptartment

We are happy to announce, in conjunction with the Westport Recreation Department we are offering a low-cost Community Youth Rowing programs run by dedicated volunteers and Ben Booth. The Westport Recreation Department manages registration for Rowing on the Westport River as well as a 10 week Coastal Rowing summer program with Ben Booth.

Our program costs are met partly though adult membership fees but the vast majority of program needs are met through donations and grants.  Please consider being a sponsor by donating online or by check to our address below.