Emily Dowd
Emily Dowd
Dharma voyage has opened up a world of new possibilities for me.
The exhilaration of crossing the finish line, whether in last place or first. The satisfaction and sense of accomplishment, that we did it!
The emphasis being on we.
The joy of exploring a marshy, cove on an early misty morning row.
The feeling I get when new form begins to take hold and starts its transition from awkward and unfamiliar to familiar and becoming comfortable.
Mind, body, and spirit working together.
But above all, this wonderful community that has grown from Dharma Voyage. An amazing group of people whose paths otherwise may never have crossed, but together we share this passion of both personal and collective growth which has no finish line.
Thank you, Dharma Voyage!
I can’t wait till we can all be together again.
Belfast, ME 2018