Laura Reuter
Laura Reuter
Who knew that putting my name and email on the sign-up sheet hanging on the Cornish pilot gig "Voyager" sitting on the beach at the Westport Boat Show in the fall of 2013 could affect me so? In 2014, the first season of rowing, my rowing ability profoundly improved (or at least my confidence!) due to the excellent instruction by Ben Booth. I've taken a reprieve from rowing, due mostly to a change in my work schedule, but that same schedule change enabled me to start Tai Chi classes. What a gift!! I am in my fourth year of Tai Chi practice. The reason I do Tai Chi has evolved from my initial vague intrigue to a significant part of my daily life. I have also been surprised to find I love being a mentor to the newer students. It teaches me a lot about myself as well.
Photo by Lani Peterson