Erica Schwartz
Erica Schwartz
For at least 10 years, I have met weekly with a wonderful group of people to learn and practice Tai Chi Form 42 with our teacher, Ben Booth. I decided to try classes offered at the Mt. Auburn Club because I was curious about Tai Chi. I did not know anything about the practice except for seeing people practicing Tai Chi in parks and movies. Little did I know when I first began classes how important the practice of Tai Chi would become in my life. And yet, it is difficult to explain in words why I have been continuing with this practice all these years.
The group practice has become a sacred space. Ben is our teacher, guide, trainer, instructor, coach, mentor and friend. He quietly speaks words of wisdom. He non-judgmentally helps us with our form. He is patient while urging us to be our best selves.
Tai Chi has taught me to quiet my anxious thoughts and feelings. Tai Chi has taught me to connect with the energy that surrounds us. Tai Chi has taught me to look for and practice balance physically and mentally.
I am very appreciative for that fateful day years ago when I entered a room to begin to learn the practice of Tai Chi.
Ben’s Grateful Student
Photo by Katie White